L'orée des Charmes
Hotel restaurant near Dijon
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à partir de 69 €. Réservez en direct !
+33 (0)3 80 33 03 03
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à partir de 69 €. Réservez en direct !
L'orée des Charmes
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The Commarin Castle

On the Historic Route of the Dukes of Burgundy, in Côte-d'Or, stands a castle that has belonged to the same family for over 900 years. This is Commarin Castle, a delightful blend of remarkable architecture! It has always been lived in, never sold or pillaged, even during the Revolution. Each owner and each century has left a mark without detracting from what was built before. This makes it a unique and quite exceptional monument. Moreover, with its period interior decoration, it offers a perfect representation of the French nobility's way of life in the 18th century. The furniture is original and during your guided tour, you can admire beautiful old tapestries, as well as paintings from the Italian and French schools. Other interesting features of the castle include two round towers from the medieval period, which are in harmony with a main building from the early 18th century.
Commarin Castle is still surrounded by a water-filled moat, which gives it a certain charm, and a vast woodland park that makes for a lovely stroll…
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L'orée des Charmes

Hotel restaurant near Dijon