L'orée des Charmes
Hotel restaurant near Dijon
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à partir de 69 €. Réservez en direct !
+33 (0)3 80 33 03 03
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à partir de 69 €. Réservez en direct !
L'orée des Charmes
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On old medieval town in Côte-d'Or, now listed among the most beautiful village of France, Châteauneuf nestles at the foot of its imposing fortress, which once belonged to the Dukes of Burgundy, at a strategic location between Dijon and Autun. The castle fort, initially no more than a keep, was extended as time went by. A superb example of Burgundian medieval military architecture, it majestically towers over the Auxois plain and the Burgundy canal. On a visit to this historic monument, you can discover the 12th-century keep, the 14th-century south tower, the main building and the 15th-century dwelling of Philippe Pot, as well as the chapel with ancient mural paintings.
It's nice to take a walk in the flowery medieval side streets of Châteauneuf, where some beautiful old stone houses with turrets still stand.
So be sure to stop by the 15th-century Church of St. James and St. Philip, which contains some lovely polychrome stone and wood statues, including one of St. John the Baptist attributed to Claus Sluter.
Near the north door, the mission cross belvedere reveals a stunning view of the Auxois and the Morvan hills.
In late July, in even years every two years, the pretty streets of Châteauneuf come alive for the Médiévales festival: jousting on horseback, medieval dances, a fire show, artillery shooting, craft stands, etc. offer visitors a 100% medieval experience for a whole weekend!
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L'orée des Charmes

Hotel restaurant near Dijon